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Copyright © 2025 Shakeh Tchilingirian
All rights reserved.

In The News

Remembrance Sunday at the Genocide Memorial in Cardiff, Wales

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Armenian Church News (Vol. 1, No. 14), 13 November 2015

"... Following the Divine Liturgy, Shakeh Major Tchilingirian invited the congregation to take part in the “Circle of Life” Armenian circle dance ceremony. Shakeh had conceived the “Circle of Life” especially to commemorate the centenary of the Armenian Genocide and as a way of celebrating the triumph of the Armenians over death and destruction.  Even as she briefly demonstrated the steps to the participants, she said “the dance steps did not matter as much as the intention of holding hands and taking these steps together.” The first dance was a Gorani with the soul-awakening call of the zurna and the pulsating drums. Goranis are songdances from Mush/Daron about lost love and lost land and the yearning for them. The second dance was one typically danced by Western Armenians who are the surviving descendants of the Genocide. With its very closely linked arm-hold, it was defiant, grounded and full of hope. Everyone took part in the circle dance, including the children. One of the participants said, "We felt we were getting stronger and stronger by each step we took together....”


Ermeni Halk Dansları atölye

ShakehMajorTchilingirian KadirHasUniversity

Ermeni Halk Dansları atölye çalışması Shakeh Major Tchilingirian eğitmenliğinde 20 Nisan'da Sahne Khas'ta yapıldı.

Armenian Folk Dance Workshop by Shakeh Major Tchilingirian, Theatre Department, Faculty of Art and Design, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.

Newsletter Khas, 1-30 Nisan (April) 2015, p. 7.


KadirHas ShakehMajorTchilingirian_Armenian_Dance


Workshops with Senior Citizens

Monthly Armenian Dance Workshops at the Senior Citizens Club

Armenian Voice, CAIA Autumn 2015, No. 66.


CAIA Shakeh Tchilingirian 2015-1


Since April 2015, thanks to a small public health grant by Hounslow Council CAIA has been able to organise monthly Armenian dance/movement workshops at the Senior Citizens Club. The workshops have been delivered by acclaimed solo dance artist and choreographer Shakeh Major-Tchilingirian whom film-maker Atom Egoyan has described as “mesmerising". The purpose of the Armenian dance sessions is to reduce feelings of cultural isolation in an enjoyable physical activity which we hope also will improve their emotional well-being generally. The workshops are aimed at those aged 60+ and Carers last approximately 45 minutes and so far have been very enjoyable and rewarding. Visit CAM'S website for workshop dates.


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