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ArticlesTo succeed in Life...“To succeed in Life / So your life proves worthy”
By Shakeh Major Tchilingirian
Balance Nr. 2, 2024 Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem “Vor lauter Lauschen und Staunen sei still” and the various English translations I came across have sparked my thoughts to delve into some of the poetry and writings of the much-loved poet. As Anais Nin, the French-born American novelist wrote, “I have no fear of depths, and a great fear of shallow living.” Indeed, “it is not too late to dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret”, wrote Rilke. I wish to share with you a journey of discovery through my readings and highlight the thoughts and words that deeply resonate. 'Tanz und Musik als Muttersprache''Tanz und Musik als Muttersprache' [‘Dance and Music as Mother Tongue’] Shakeh Major Tchilingirian Neue Kreise Ziehen, "Tanz und Musik" 3, November 2024 Das Tanzen hat mir im vergangenen Jahr viele ergreifende Momente geboten, um mich zu verbinden, zu reflektieren und das verbindende und universelle Geheimnis von Tanz und Musik als „Muttersprache“ zu enthüllen. Von der Erfahrung, mit Judy King in der majestätischen Kathedrale von Wells (Somerset, England) eine Tanzsuite mit dem The Universal Language of Humanity‘Dance and Music- The Universal Language of Humanity’
Shakeh Major Tchilingirian
Grapevine, September 2024, pp. 10-11.
Dancing over the past year or so has offered me many poignant moments to connect, reflect and to reveal the unifying and universal mystery of dance and music as a ‘mother tongue’. From the experience of dancing a suite of dances with Judy King, “Our Offering is Peace”, in the majestic Wells Cathedral to a fascinating, rich cultural and circle dance tour in Taroudant, Morocco with Laura Shannon, interspersed with teaching opportunities in Marseilles and Venice with Armenian youth from different countries coming together to discover and share their sense of identity through dance, music, film, theatre and literature. KHAGH LATZEL“KHAGH LATZEL”- An Armenian practice of bringing one out of mourning
Shakeh Major Tchilingirian
Neue Kreise Ziehen, "Tanz und Musik" 2, Juli 2024
The body carries the memory of dance regardless of where the origin of the dance is from. In the Armenian tradition, even at the end of the year’s mourning for the departed person, the community is celebrated with a special circle dance in which the departed person becomes alive in the act of the dance. |